"Wiener Neustadt has a renowned regional hospital with an excellent oncology department. This is also necessary in the second largest city in Lower Austria, because the cancer rate here in the industrial quarter is high. It is therefore all the more incomprehensible that there is no self-help group for cancer patients in our region. With the Cancer Club, we now want to offer those affected valuable assistance," says Deputy Mayor Rainer Spenger, explaining the idea behind the new self-help group. Patients made it again and again attentive to the absence of such a professional exchange possibility. That's why the SPÖ, with local councillors Sabine Bugnar and Sissy Wallner, together with the Lichtblick association, is now giving a private initiative a jump-start.
"Our club doors are open to everyone who wants to feel understood and in good hands with the diagnosis of cancer. Together we will talk in a cozy atmosphere about worries and problems, but also about wishes and goals. The exchange of experiences and the transfer of information are just as important as a positive view of the future. All under expert psychooncological guidance," say the two leaders Sonja Maras, a metastasized breast cancer patient, and Eva Hornof, a psychooncologist. It is important to ensure empowerment, to learn from others and to find an appropriate way of dealing with one's own illness, according to the two front women, who rely on cooperation with all essential agencies.
"We are proud to be able to help people in a difficult disease situation with the Cancer Club. Especially the accompanied, qualitative exchange among patients, this 'not being alone' with the fate, takes an enormous burden off the shoulders of those affected," emphasizes Uta Weber-Grüner, managing director of Verein Lichtblick. She is pleased about the expansion of the offer in the city. The Verein Lichtblick acts as an umbrella organization that provides structural, organizational and personnel support.
The cancer club opens starting from 1 September in each case on 1. and on 3. Tuesday in the month of 17 to 19 o'clock in the European house in the city park (emperor Maximilian Promenade 1).
For registration under 026 22 / 26 222 and/or office@verein-lichtblick.at one asks. The participation fee (drinks included) is 10 euros (should this be a hurdle for participants from Wiener Neustadt, the SPÖ-Stadtfrauen will find a solution). "Come in and feel good", is the invitation.
Photo: Uta Weber-Grüner from the Lichtblick association, breast cancer activist Claudia Altmann-Pospischek, director Sonja Maras, deputy mayor Rainer Spenger, Eva Hornof (director), Sabine Bugnar and Sissy Wallner from the health committee.