10th May 2025

DAC GALA Hofburg

Early Bird Tickets available now!


10. May 2025

NOW TICKETS FOR THE BALL  10th May 2025 in the Hofburg Vienna:

All information under

"The Gala Ball"

If you can't be there, you can support us with the online raffle - EVERY LOT WINS - the prizes will then be sent out.

Also you can donate a


for those who are or were affected by cancer, but can't afford a ticket.

Love means care.

Be there for others and support our cause.

Dancer against Cancer collects the

whole year for the Austrian

cancer aid.

buy Tickets

Project 2023/24

The work of Dancer against Cancer

"Diagnosis: Cancer”:

How to help families, partners, children and make psychosocial care at home possible.

Being a parent and having cancer often causes a lot of worries. It can be very difficult to find the right way to support your children. Each child copes with the situation in a different way. It may help to know there is no right way to talk to children or teenagers about cancer. The most important thing is to be honest.

Talking to children about cancer can be very difficult and upsetting. Adults sometimes try to protect children from such a situation by not discussing it with them. But even if adults don't tell them openly what is happening, they will know inevitably, when something is seriously wrong. Involving children and leting them know, what´s going on, helps to deal with this situation.

Young children may not be emotionally developed enough to express their feelings in words. Or they may not feel comfortable about being in an unfamiliar group situation. Young children often express their feelings by playing or painting and they are often spontaneous in the way they do this.

Older children or young teenagers may be more articulate but less willing to share information. Being a teenager can be a time of emotional ups and downs. Teenagers quite often feel confused and unsure about themselves. Therefore their way of dealing with their parent´s illness can be very different to younger children. Teenagers reactions are likely more intense and it is very important to give them time to grapple with the illness.

Looking after children when their parents are not able to work and sustain them. Monetary and social help for children during the illness of a parent or when a parent dies.


Fighter Ticket


Donate a fighter ticket to cancer patients.

What is it about?

Being there for eachother! The campaign is about collecting as many Fighter Tickets as possible for people affected by cancer to enable them to enjoy a wonderful ball evening on June 3, 2023 at Dancer Against Cancer in the Hofburg Vienna.

The affected people can come for free and the donation will go to the projects of Dancer Against Cancer.

A fighter ticket costs € 50,-

Thank you for supporting - please share!

Get a Fighter Ticket


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